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Savings Guaranteed

Optimizing R&M Spending

The industry norm includes a smart RFP with well negotiated fees and rates, though most retailers never realize the savings they expect coming out of these RFP’s

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.

Guaranteed Savings On R&M
Sharpen Your Maintenance Budget

By focusing on the actual dollars spent rather than the unverifiable time spent, we can guarantee savings.

We’ve been in multiple procurement RFQ’s where another vendor’s aggressive rates initially won the business only to have the retailer’s costs actually rise.

Basic Optimization Tactics

  • Create Competition
  • Bundle Work
  • Leverage Volume
  • Negotiate strong SLA’s
  • Manage Life Cycles
  • Utilize Store Personnel
  • Use Smart RFP’s
  • Invite Multiple Bidders

Smarter Scopes

Combining previously unrelated work is just one of the many ways Resicom Group gives you more for each dollar. Adding other work to a base project saves time and money.

Smarter Visits

With the right vendor, each visit can be smarter. Our skilled tradesmen use their time on-site smartly, completing a variety of tasks bundled together for a better visit.

Bundle Better

Budling deferred and open work to other projects will reduce fees and minimums.

Guaranteed Savings On R&M


Clients have saved over 20% annually with SMARTspend™

~ 70%

of general handyman work orders can be completed

What Will Resicom Group Do For You?

True Partnership

Our secret to success is the partnership that we offer to our clients. We believe that continuity, transparency, great people, coupled with innovation and honesty, form an unbreakable bond that benefits everyone involved. 

Interactive + Collaborative

We continuously bring more to the table than other vendors by treating your company like we do our own. It goes beyond just getting the work done, we invest ourselves into doing it the way you want it done. This is why we create training guides, custom proposals, and is the main reason we created SMARTSpend.

Guaranteed Results

By focusing on the actual dollars spent rather than the unverifiable time spent, we can guarantee savings. We’ve been in multiple procurement RFQ’s where another vendor’s aggressive rates initially won the business only to have the retailer’s costs actually rise. This is why SMARTSpend was created.

Guaranteed Savings On R&M

Michael LaCalamita
