When One Door Closes, Another Opens
“When one door closes, another opens.” This common quote is often used in way to help someone pick themselves up after they failed at something or as a way to find a silver lining in a challenging situation. The patience to ask this of ourselves and to forgive ourselves for falling short can prove to us that we are resilient and creative enough to see something differently, reminding us that we maintain the ability to impact our future. We can create advancement opportunities through our ability to grow through difficult situations. This is a powerful ally that can bring you peace through adversity.
If you reorganize those words and you come up with “When one door opens, another closes.” Consider the uncommon sense of this gem. Excellence thrives in an environment where great opportunities are battling other great opportunities for resources. The door must close, at least for now, on the weakest of the greatest. Consider the boundaries of your responsibilities. As your responsibilities advance, the tolerance of your risky behavior shrinks. There is great discipline required to protect the great opportunities you’ve worked so hard to create.
These simple statements can sum up what most everybody wants to do – create opportunities to accomplish great things, evolve themselves to continue to get better, and protect their life’s great opportunities.